Six little teddy bears

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Six little teddy bears

Six little teddy bears, sleeping in the bed...

Three at the foot and three at the head.

One teddy said, "This bed is too full!" He grabbed the blanket and started to pull.

He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more. Two little teddies went BOOM! on the floor.

Four little teddy bears, sleeping in the bed...

Three at the foot and one at the head.

One teddy said, "This bed is too full!"

He grabbed the blanket and started to pull.

He pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more. Two little teddies went BOOM! on the floor.

Two little teddy bears, sleeping in the bed...

One at the foot and one at the head.

One teddy said," Two is just right."

Two little teddy bears said, "Good Night."


