
浏览次数: 589




  Today ALFY is going to a new school, and he is not very excited.

  ALFY: Mom, do I have to go to school? I don't know anybody there. I want to go back to my old school, where all my friends are.

  Mom: ALFY, just be friendly. Be yourself, and you will make lots of new friends.

  ALFY: Ahhhhh

  Click on the ALFY's backpack, so he won't forget to take it to school.

  ALFY: This is going to be no fun.

  (ahhh) Here I am at school, oh well.

  Click on the school's red door to go to class.

  Class1: Hi, you must be new here. I'm Jen.

  Class2: You're lucky to be here because we have a fun teacher.

  Teacher: Class, today we have a new student with us. AlFY, tell us a little about yourself.

  ALFY: Well, I like to... um... skateboard.

  Class: Cool...yeah...wow...neat...yeah!

  Teacher: That's great ALFY. Maybe you can show us at recess.

  Click on the teacher to start art class.

  ALFY: Painting is fun!

  Click on the blue paint to help ALFY and his friends finger paint.

  ALFY: ...but messy.

  Now ALFY's class is learning to read. Help him finish his book, by clicking on the word dog.

  Close, but choose the word that spells dog. d-o-g

  AlFY: The dog plays with the ball.

  Now, click on the word ball... b-a-l-l...to go to recess.

  ALFY: Yeah!

  Class: Hey ALFY, show us that skateboard trick again.

  Click on AlFY to see him skateboard for you.

  ALFY: Check it out. Whoo hoo...

  Class: Hey...yeah...alright...great...yeah...

  Click on AlFY's new friends to end the school day.

  ALFY: See you tomorrow everybody...so long.

  Class: Bye bye...bye...see you ALFY...

  Finally, at the end of a busy day ALFY comes home.

  Mom: How was school ALFY?

  ALFY: It was fun! We finger painted, read a book, and at recess I met lots of new friends. I really like my new school.


本文来源: https://www.qinzijiaoyu.com/a/64b5fa5523bf47727902f7da.html
