
浏览次数: 727





Homeschooling is all about the child, not the curriculum.家庭式教育的中心是孩子,而不是课程


“You don't need fancy art projects, amazing experiments or cute printables to homeschool. We sometimes get bogged down planning and executing the perfect lesson that we don't realize that kids get so much out of simple things: reading great books, exploring new things, and talking to someone who will listen and take their questions seriously. It's not about the lesson. It's about the child.” - Denise Pena, Redwood School directress, homeschooling mom of three kids “家庭式教育不需要花哨的设施、神奇的实验或者可爱的印刷物。我们有时沉沉溺于设计和实施完美课程的沼泽,而没有意识到孩子们从简单的事物中就能学到很多,比如:读一些好书,发现新事物,以及对愿意倾听并且认真对待他们的问题的人谈话。这不是关于课程的问题,而是关于孩子的问题。”——丹尼斯 佩纳,红木学校董事、有三个孩子的家庭式教育妈妈

It’s normal to have challenging days.挑战性的日子是常态


“Here’s a homeschool truth: It's normal to have 'off-days' and 'day-offs'. I've learned the hard truth that there will never be a perfectly smooth homeschooling set-up, and that’s okay. There will be days that will test your patience — those 'off-days', when everybody seems to be grumpy. And there will be days when everyone's just tired and in need of a 'day-off', like a family vacation or alone-time.” - Anna Leah Cantos, homeschool mom to Sam, 9, Ley, 8 and Meg, 5 “家庭式教育一个普遍存在的事实:‘不顺利的日子’和‘放假的日子’。我明白了一个艰难的事实,从来没有谁家的家庭式教育是完全顺利的,这个并不是问题。总会有些日子在考验你的耐性,这些就是‘不顺利的日子’, 在这些日子里,似乎每个人都脾气暴躁。还会有些日子大家都很疲劳需要放假,比如家庭假期或者独处。”——安娜 利亚 卡通斯,三个孩子(山姆9岁,雷伊8岁,曼戈5岁)的家庭式教育妈妈

Homeschooling helps you grow as a parent. 家庭式教育有助于父母成长


“Homeschooling is not really schooling for us; it’s more of an objective family bonding activity. We focus on activities that let each and every person in the family get to know one another (especially the child), while learning something relatable to academic and general life. We get to understand our child's learning style and how he wants to be coached — this allows us to be better parents. Every day is filled with mental, emotional, spiritual and physical discoveries, and our bond as a family becomes tighter.” - Jesusa Corazon Tan-Amoguis, work-at-home homeschooling mom to Amarri, 6“家庭式教育对我们来说并不是一个真正意义上的学校,它更是一种以家庭为纽带的有目标的活动。我们致力于让每个家庭成员(特别是孩子)互相了解的活动,同时也学到了跟知识和普通生活有关的内容。我们了解到了孩子的学习风格以及孩子喜欢的教学方式,这些让我们成为更好的父母。每天都充满各种发现,心理的、情感的、精神的以及身体方面的,而我们作为一个家庭的纽带变得更加紧密。”——杰西沙 科拉松 谭 阿米格斯,一个小孩(阿马丽6岁)的家庭式教育妈妈

Homeschooling allows your child to learn in his/her own way. 家庭式教育给孩子以他/她自己的方式学习的机会


“I started homeschooling with the thought of helping my daughter because she was having a hard time adjusting to regular schools. It was a case of learning while going through the process itself. No one in our family or in our circle of friends were homeschooling so I was forced to do my own research, read more and follow my instincts on how to go about homeschooling my kids. “我最初是想帮助我女儿,因为她有一段时间难以适应普通学校,然后才开始家庭式教育的。这个经历本身就是个学习的案例。我的家庭或我的朋友圈里没有人在进行家庭式教育,所以我只能自己研究、查阅资料、并且跟着自己的感觉摸索如何对我的孩子进行家庭式教育。

“At first, I tried imitating what other homeschooling moms have been doing but I personally discovered that what works for them does not necessarily work for us. Every child learns in his/her own unique way and we are just mere facilitators. “一开始,我效仿其他家庭式教育妈妈们的做法,但是我自己发现适合别人的并不一定适合我们。每个孩子以他、她自己独特的方式学习,我们只是引导着而已。

“Observing my kids, I was able to form a style specifically customized for each of them, but it still varies from time to time — depending on what their needs are. Homeschooling provides us an opportunity to bring out the talents of our kids and develop their confidence.” - Thea Berida, homeschool mom to Thesa, 8, and Josef, 6“通过观察我的孩子,我对每一个孩子都形成了一种独特的方式,但根据他们的需求仍然不时的会有变化。家庭式教育给我们提供了机会发现孩子的天赋并且培养他们的自信心。”——西娅 贝丽达,两个孩子(崔莎8岁,约瑟夫6岁)的家庭式教育妈妈



本文来源: https://www.qinzijiaoyu.com/a/646434307811ba5ffa0dd965.html
